Multipage Book

Skolos & Wedell

This project required me to create a book layout for designers Nancy Skolos and Thomas Wedell. I decided to use a myriad of collage images, as to fit the personas of Skolos and Wedell as collage artists. The overall goal was to expand on your content iterations, so that there is a consistent theme throughout the book.

Project Details

Design Process

We first began by creating layouts for the contents of the book before creating layouts for the cover, title, and table of contents pages. Below you will find the research images I used to come up with my concepts, the first few iterations of my content pages, and sketches for my cover, title, and table of contents pages. You will then find my first iterations of these pages before I chose the best combinations for my theme, and flowed the content of the book with paragraph style edits.

Research and Images

First Four Content Layouts

Title, Cover, Table of Content Page Sketches

Title, Cover, Table of Content Page Iterations

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